The giveaway book funnel is where you give away your book 100% free as an eBook. Giving away our products for free doesn’t instinctively feel like good business sense but when you’re selling books, you need good reviews and one way to get them is to practice “Giver’s Gain”. Ask for reviews in exchange for free books.  While not always recommended,  it can be a great way to generate lots of leads fast.Remember to send your customers on to publications that are not free. 

 You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll have them by return. 


If you have any questions or comments drop me a note below and I’ll be delighted to hear from you. 


Project Name:                                             Date:

                                                                                                               Yes                   No

Giveaway Landing Page Checklist

1 Have you created your book Landing page / sales page?
2 Does your landing page have a benefit driven headline?
3 Does your landing page have a 3d image of your book?
4 Does your landing page have benefit rich bullets?
5 Does your landing page have testimonials?
6 Does your landing page have an “About the Author” section?
7 Does your landing page have a bio photo of you?
8 Does your landing page have multiple clear call to actions (CTAs)?
9 Have you linked landing page with your autoresponder?
10 Have you created your book list in your autoresponder?

Giveaway Thank You/Download Page Checklist

1 Have you created a thank you page (for after someone opts in)?
2 Have you inserted a security measure to ensure that only people who
enter a valid email address will get your book?
You can do this by having both a thank you page and a download page.
The thank you page confirms their request and lets them know the link to
the book has been sent to their inbox. In your first follow up email you then
link to a separate download page where they can download your book. 
3 Have you created your book download page?
4 Have you created a 5-7 follow up email series after someone requests
your book?
5 Have you bridged in the next step in your sales process?
6 Have you made your new leads an irresistible offer (paid offer) to monetise
7 Have you offered them a physical copy of the book (paid offer)?
8 Have you stacked your giveaway funnel with other paid offers to monetise
those leads?


The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

12 + 15 =