You can and should advertise your book online to make more book sales. As self-publishing writers we have many options available for marketing our books online. 

You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll have them by return. 

If you want to start at the beginning, you can find Checklist 1 here.


Project Name: _____________________        Date: _____________
                                                                                                                                       Yes                No

Pre-Advertising Checklist

1 Have you your advertising assets (images, baseline copy etc.)?
2 Have you decided where you are sending people (website vs Amazon)?
3 Have you set a Macro level budget and targets for your campaign?
If you have a book funnel send to your funnel, if you don’t simply send
them to Amazon. Bear in mind, tracking of sales will be harder of you’re
just sending them to Amazon.

Facebook Ads

1 Have you setup a Facebook ad campaign for your book?
2 Have you installed your Facebook Pixel and created audiences?
3 Have you chosen your campaign goal?
4 Have you targeted people interested in your book topic?
5 Have you chosen people interested in pages/influencers related to your
book topic?
6 Have you layered your targeting to get more specific?
7 Have you setup multiple ads and ad campaign to split test different
8 Have you layered your targeting to get more specific?

Twitter Ads

1 Have you setup a Twitter Ad Campaign?
2 Are you targeting people based on interests related to your book topic?
3 Are you targeting your own followers?
4 Are you targeting followers of influencers related to your book topic?
5 Are you targeting Hashtags?
6 Have you installed the Twitter tracking pixel on your site?

Google Ads

1 Have you setup a Google Ad Campaign for your book?
2 Have you installed the Google Tracking Pixel on Your site?
3 Have you done keyword research related to your book and book topic?
4 Have you grouped together keywords and set up ad campaigns for each
5 Are you targeting your own business name, your own name and book

The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

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