You can’t just throw your book up on Amazon and hope its greatness will shine through the thousands of other books your target readers are viewing.

Checklist 5 takes you through your marketing plan. If you missed the Publishing Your Book checklist yesterday here it is.

You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll be able to download immediately. 

Project Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

                                                                                                                                            Yes             No
Book Marketing Assets:

1 Will you be marketing your book both online and offline?
2 Have you created your book marketing assets?
3 Have you made a list of your DREAM 100 targets for your book?
4 Have you created your book press kit?

You should make a list of at least 50-100 dream targets for your book.
Think podcast hosts, influencers, press journalists, partners, dream
clients and more – you will be sending them a free copy of your book. Your
book press kit will entail details of you, your book, sample chapters as well
as sample interview questions.

Book Marketing:

1 Have you a website/funnel built for your book?
2 Have you decided on a book sales model?
3 Have you decided how you will fulfil orders?
4 Have you high resolution images, banners posts for your book?
5 Have you a 3d mock-up of your book created?
6 Have you email marketing swipes created for your book?
7 Have you sent your book to your DREAM 100?
8 Have you collected testimonials and endorsements for your book?

When it comes to marketing and actually selling your book – you have a
number of options. You can sell your book at a normal price ($9.95 –
$19.95) or you can give your book away free and just charge shipping –
(highly recommended). Remember your book should only be the lead
in to your higher priced programs.



The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

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