I hope you found the Checklist yesterday helpful. This second checklist is for when you're writing your book - something to keep in mind maybe while you're dashing out your 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo

You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you'd like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you'll have them by return. 

Otherwise, check back tomorrow for the Creating Your Book Cover checklist


 Checklist 2: Writing Your Book


Project Name: _______________________________________________   Date: ________________________
                                                                                                                                                                      Yes         No
1 Have you finalised your book title and subtitle?

2 Have you got an ISBN number for your book? (you don’t need one for
Kindle – it’s automatically assigned to you)
If publishing on Amazon you can use their free ISBN service, otherwise
you can purchase your ISBN number on www.nielsenisbnstore.com

3 Will you be writing the book yourself?

4 Are you hiring a ghost writer?

5 Will you repurpose your other content into a book?
If you have existing blog posts, or other content you may be able to
repurpose them into chapters or use them as bonus chapters (if they are

6 Have you blocked out the time to complete your book?
Aim for at least 1,000 words a day if you’re starting out. With some practice
you could write 1,000 words in 30-60 minutes. Remember, you need to
write at least 1666 words a day to complete NaNoWriMo

7 Have you set a manuscript completion deadline?

8 Have you sourced an editor and an editing deadline?

9 Have you written your book title and subtitle?

10 Have you split your core topic into 5-13 sub-topics?

11 Have you bullet pointed each sub-topic?

12 Have you fleshed out your sub-topics into chapters?

13 Have you written your book as if speaking to one person?

14 Have you included examples, case studies and testimonials?

15 Have you included next steps in your book (to fulfil your goal)?
When writing your book, don’t worry about layout, grammar or formatting
– that’s the editor’s job and that comes AFTER the manuscript is done.




The Productive Writer's Checklists

I'm using these lists myself and they're absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!