The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist 11 – The Book Publishing Funnel

The giveaway book funnel is where you give away your book 100% free as an eBook. Giving away our products for free doesn’t instinctively feel like good business sense but when you’re selling books, you need good reviews and one way to get them is to practice “Giver’s Gain”. Ask for reviews in exchange for free books.  While not always recommended,  it can be a great way to generate lots of leads fast.Remember to send your customers on to publications that are not free. 

 You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll have them by return. 


If you have any questions or comments drop me a note below and I’ll be delighted to hear from you. 


Project Name:                                             Date:

                                                                                                               Yes                   No

Giveaway Landing Page Checklist

1 Have you created your book Landing page / sales page?
2 Does your landing page have a benefit driven headline?
3 Does your landing page have a 3d image of your book?
4 Does your landing page have benefit rich bullets?
5 Does your landing page have testimonials?
6 Does your landing page have an “About the Author” section?
7 Does your landing page have a bio photo of you?
8 Does your landing page have multiple clear call to actions (CTAs)?
9 Have you linked landing page with your autoresponder?
10 Have you created your book list in your autoresponder?

Giveaway Thank You/Download Page Checklist

1 Have you created a thank you page (for after someone opts in)?
2 Have you inserted a security measure to ensure that only people who
enter a valid email address will get your book?
You can do this by having both a thank you page and a download page.
The thank you page confirms their request and lets them know the link to
the book has been sent to their inbox. In your first follow up email you then
link to a separate download page where they can download your book. 
3 Have you created your book download page?
4 Have you created a 5-7 follow up email series after someone requests
your book?
5 Have you bridged in the next step in your sales process?
6 Have you made your new leads an irresistible offer (paid offer) to monetise
7 Have you offered them a physical copy of the book (paid offer)?
8 Have you stacked your giveaway funnel with other paid offers to monetise
those leads?


The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

11 + 12 =

The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist 10 – Book Online Advertising


 You can and should advertise your book online to make more book sales. As self-publishing writers we have many options available for marketing our books online. 

You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll have them by return. 

If you want to start at the beginning, you can find Checklist 1 here.


Project Name: _____________________        Date: _____________
                                                                                                                                       Yes                No

Pre-Advertising Checklist

1 Have you your advertising assets (images, baseline copy etc.)?
2 Have you decided where you are sending people (website vs Amazon)?
3 Have you set a Macro level budget and targets for your campaign?
If you have a book funnel send to your funnel, if you don’t simply send
them to Amazon. Bear in mind, tracking of sales will be harder of you’re
just sending them to Amazon.

Facebook Ads

1 Have you setup a Facebook ad campaign for your book?
2 Have you installed your Facebook Pixel and created audiences?
3 Have you chosen your campaign goal?
4 Have you targeted people interested in your book topic?
5 Have you chosen people interested in pages/influencers related to your
book topic?
6 Have you layered your targeting to get more specific?
7 Have you setup multiple ads and ad campaign to split test different
8 Have you layered your targeting to get more specific?

Twitter Ads

1 Have you setup a Twitter Ad Campaign?
2 Are you targeting people based on interests related to your book topic?
3 Are you targeting your own followers?
4 Are you targeting followers of influencers related to your book topic?
5 Are you targeting Hashtags?
6 Have you installed the Twitter tracking pixel on your site?

Google Ads

1 Have you setup a Google Ad Campaign for your book?
2 Have you installed the Google Tracking Pixel on Your site?
3 Have you done keyword research related to your book and book topic?
4 Have you grouped together keywords and set up ad campaigns for each
5 Are you targeting your own business name, your own name and book

The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

10 + 4 =

The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist 9 – Amazon Advertising

It makes sense to advertise to the people who enter your marketplace so this is why advertising on Amazon for self-publishing writers is crucial. It’s a simple process, particularly when you follow this checklist. 

If you’re only stumbling across this series of posts now you can go back to the beginning and start at #1 on this page.

And rememberyou can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll be able to download immediately. 

Advertising on Amazon

The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

2 + 13 =

The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist 8 – Kindle Upload

Regardless of how you want to consume your books, Kindle, and ebook readers in general are hugely popular. 

Project Name: ___________________________________________  Date: ___________________________
                                                                                                                                                                      Yes      No

1. Choose Create New Title
2. Choose Kindle eBook
3. Choose Language
4. Enter Your Book Title
5. Enter Your Book Subtitle
6. Enter Series Information (if applicable)
7. Enter Edition Number (if applicable)
8. Enter Author Information
9. Enter Contributor Details (if applicable)
10 Enter Book Description (use back cover copy as description)
11 Enter Publishing Rights (Your Own Work or Public Domain Work)
12 Enter Up to 7 Keywords for your Book – use long-string keywords
13 Set Your Categories and Age Ranges
14 Set Your Release Date

Kindle eBook Content

1 Choose Whether or Not You’ll Enable Digital Rights Management.
2 Upload Your Kindle Ready File (ePub format is best)
3 Upload Your Kindle Cover (only front cover is needed)
4 Launch the eBook Previewer
5 Optional: Enter ISBN number and Publisher

Choose Kindle Pricing

1 Choose whether or not you’ll enrol in KDP Select.
With KDP Select, you can reach more readers, earn more money, and
maximize your sales potential. To enter the Kindle Storyteller contest, your
eBook needs to be enrolled in KDP Select. Learn more about KDP Select:

2 Choose Your Territories (countries)
3 Choose Royalty Pan (35% OR 70%)
4 Set Your Pricing
5 Choose Whether or Not You’ll Enrol in Kindle Matchbook
Give customers who purchase your print book from Amazon the option to
purchase your Kindle eBook for $2.99 or less. Learn more about
6 Choose Whether or Not You’ll Allow Book Lending
7 Either Publish Live or Save as Draft

The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

7 + 1 =

The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist 7 – Lulu

As a self-publishing writer you owe it to yourself to distribute as widely as possible. Enter Lulu. Review it first to see if it’ll suit you and if it does this checklist will ensure you don’t miss any steps in getting your book online.

If you’re only stumbling across this series of posts now you can go back to the beginning and start at #1 on this page.

And rememberyou can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll be able to download immediately. 

Project Name: ______________________  Date: ______________
                                                                                                                                                           Yes           No

You can create a free Lulu account at:

Lulu Step 1 – Choose Your Publishing Type

1 You can create your book and distribute through Lulu (on Amazon, Barnes
and Noble, and Nook) through

2 You can simply print your book and order books through

Lulu Create Checklist
Step 1:

1 Enter your Title
2 Enter your Author Details (Name and Last name)

Step 2:

1 Upload Your Print Ready Files
2 Let Lulu run its automated check

Step 3:

1 Upload Your Print Ready PDF Cover
2 Let Lulu run its automated print checks

Step 4:

1 Review all details and hit ‘Save and Finish’.
2 Order a Proof Copy

The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

11 + 5 =

The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist 6 – Amazon Paperback



Amazon is where our readers go so as a self-publishing writer that’s where we have to go too. Putting your book up as a paperback is probably not going to make you a lot of money but as it’s print-on-demand, it’s not going to cost you either. And, it’s great to be able to hold the book you’ve written in your own two hands smile


Today’s checklist takes you through the process of setting up your book as a paperback. If you missed yesterday’s checklist on marketing your book you can pop back and pick it up.


And rememberyou can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll be able to download immediately. 


Project Name: _____________________________________  Date: __________________________
                                                                                                                                   Yes              No

1 – Project:
1 Name Your Project
2 Choose Paperback
3 Choose “Guided” Step by Step Process with Help Along The Way

2 – Title Information:
1 Enter Your Book Title, and Subtitle if present
2 Enter the Primary Author’s Name and Contributing Author’s if applicable.
3 Enter the Series Title, Edition and Language, if applicable
4 You can Leave Publication Date Blank

3 – ISBN:
1 Choose “Free Amazon-Assigned ISBN” or “Provide Your Own ISBN”
4 – Interior:
1 Choose Interior Type (B&W, Full Colour, White or Cream)*
2 Choose Book Size
3 Upload Interior File

5 – Cover:
1 Select Matt or Glossy finish for your book.
2 Upload your print ready PDF book cover.

6 – Complete Setup:
Review everything then submit files for review. This process usually takes
24 hours. While your files are being reviewed you can:

1 Choose your distribution channels
2 Set your pricing across all Amazon stores.
3 Upload your Cover and Book Description
4 Upload your Author Bio
5 Choose your book category
6 Get your Kindle Ready files for publishing on Kindle.

Once your files have been reviewed you can review and proof your book
then order a physical proof of your book. We always recommend you do

The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

7 + 14 =

The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist 5 – Marketing Your Book

You can’t just throw your book up on Amazon and hope its greatness will shine through the thousands of other books your target readers are viewing.

Checklist 5 takes you through your marketing plan. If you missed the Publishing Your Book checklist yesterday here it is.

You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll be able to download immediately. 

Project Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

                                                                                                                                            Yes             No
Book Marketing Assets:

1 Will you be marketing your book both online and offline?
2 Have you created your book marketing assets?
3 Have you made a list of your DREAM 100 targets for your book?
4 Have you created your book press kit?

You should make a list of at least 50-100 dream targets for your book.
Think podcast hosts, influencers, press journalists, partners, dream
clients and more – you will be sending them a free copy of your book. Your
book press kit will entail details of you, your book, sample chapters as well
as sample interview questions.

Book Marketing:

1 Have you a website/funnel built for your book?
2 Have you decided on a book sales model?
3 Have you decided how you will fulfil orders?
4 Have you high resolution images, banners posts for your book?
5 Have you a 3d mock-up of your book created?
6 Have you email marketing swipes created for your book?
7 Have you sent your book to your DREAM 100?
8 Have you collected testimonials and endorsements for your book?

When it comes to marketing and actually selling your book – you have a
number of options. You can sell your book at a normal price ($9.95 –
$19.95) or you can give your book away free and just charge shipping –
(highly recommended). Remember your book should only be the lead
in to your higher priced programs.



The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

1 + 8 =

The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist 4 – Publishing Your Book

It’s never too late to fulfil that nagging ambition to see your name on the cover of a book. I was 54 when I published my first book and I never want to get used to the feeling I get when I hold a book I’ve written in my hands. 

Checklist # 4 is for when you’re publishing your book. If you’ve missed any of the other checlists you can start at the first one, Planning your book on this page. 

You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll be able to download immediately. 


Project Name: _______________________________  Date: ____________________
                                                                                                                                      Yes No

Pre-Publishing Checklist:

1 Have you added a Table of Contents to your book?
2 Have you added a Copyright page to your book?
3 Have you added a testimonial, endorsement section?
4 Have you added an “About the Author” section?
5 Have you added a “Your Next Steps” section”
6 Have you added your ISBN to your copyright page?
7 Have you run a final proof check on your manuscript?
8 Have you run a final proof check on your book cover?

Print Book Checklist:

1 If you create a PDF file for uploading, all fonts must be printable and
2 Pages are sized to match the Book size and are in the same orientation
(portrait or landscape)
3 Front matter (Title Page, Copyright, Acknowledgment, Table of Contents,
etc.) included in file
4 Images sized properly and inserted at 300dpi resolution
5 Margins, header/footer, and gutter are properly set

Ebook Checklist:

1 Word Files: Remove headers/footer/page numbering
2 Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, are used to indicate titles, chapters,
and sub sections.
3 Heading 1 is used for Title (which must appear on the first line of the first
4 All heading styles are used sequentially (1, 2. 3) in the document
5 All other text is in Normal Style
6 Automatic formatting turned off, and all automatically created elements
removed or added manually (Such as lists or numbering)
7 Images sized approximately 500 x 500 pixels, at 72dpi resolution, and
inserted “in line”
8 No text boxes or Borders.

Publishing Checklist:

1 Have you your book manuscript in a print ready PDF file?
2 Have you your book cover in a print ready PDF file?
3 Are you publishing your book on Amazon?
4 Are you publishing your book on Kindle?
5 Are you publishing your book on Nook?
6 Are you publishing your book on LULU?
7 Are you publishing your book on Apple Books?
8 Have you your book title, subtitle and description, testimonials and your
bio in a separate document for ease of access?

When it comes to publishing your book at a bare minimum we recommend
you publish on Amazon(via Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) in both
paperback and Kindle formats. You may also want to publish on the other
distribution sites to reach more audiences.

The Self-Publishing Writer's Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

Contact me if you don't want to do this yourself

12 + 8 =

The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist 3 – Creating Your Book Cover

If you’re a writer you know your book will be judged by its cover. No pressure then. This Checklist takes you through the steps to producing an attention-getting cover.

You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you’d like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you’ll have them by return. 

Otherwise, check back tomorrow for the Publishing Your Book checklist. You can catch up here on yesterday’s checklist Writing Your Book

 Project Name: ______________________________________Date:______________

Cover Planning:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Yes           No

1 Have you saved 5-12 book covers from Amazon for inspiration?

2 Have you “mapped” out or drawn your cover on plain white paper?

3 Have you sourced a designer for your book?

4 Have you decided on a cover size? (6×9 is most common)

For book cover design, don’t skimp here. We DO judge a book by its
cover. Freelancer sites like UpWork, Freelancer have great designers.

Cover Design:

1 Have you designed your cover in full (front, back and spine)?

2 Is your cover in print ready format at 300Dpi

3 Have you resized your cover and spine to fit the number of pages?

4 Have you added your book cover copy and description to the back?

5 Have you added a short bio and bio photo to the back cover?

6 Have you added your barcode to the back of the book?

7 Have you added the book title, subtitle and your name to the front?

8 Have you added your book title and your name to the spine?

9 Have you created a kindle cover version for your book?

For your back cover we recommend you state the book category at the
top, then have a headline, benefit driven description of the book, 5-7 bullet
points, a testimonial, and a short bio on you along with a photo, your
website and the book barcode. For resizing your cover, and spine to fit the
number of pages in your book and to generate a barcode for your book
we recommend you use It’s free and instant. You
simply enter your book details and hit generate.



The Self-Publishing Writer’s Checklist

I’m using these lists myself and they’re absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!

The Self Publishing Writer’s Checklist 2 – Writing Your Book

I hope you found the Checklist yesterday helpful. This second checklist is for when you're writing your book - something to keep in mind maybe while you're dashing out your 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo

You can copy and paste the checklist below or if you'd like the full list of 18 checklists in printable (PDF) format, just send me your email address below and you'll have them by return. 

Otherwise, check back tomorrow for the Creating Your Book Cover checklist


 Checklist 2: Writing Your Book


Project Name: _______________________________________________   Date: ________________________
                                                                                                                                                                      Yes         No
1 Have you finalised your book title and subtitle?

2 Have you got an ISBN number for your book? (you don’t need one for
Kindle – it’s automatically assigned to you)
If publishing on Amazon you can use their free ISBN service, otherwise
you can purchase your ISBN number on

3 Will you be writing the book yourself?

4 Are you hiring a ghost writer?

5 Will you repurpose your other content into a book?
If you have existing blog posts, or other content you may be able to
repurpose them into chapters or use them as bonus chapters (if they are

6 Have you blocked out the time to complete your book?
Aim for at least 1,000 words a day if you’re starting out. With some practice
you could write 1,000 words in 30-60 minutes. Remember, you need to
write at least 1666 words a day to complete NaNoWriMo

7 Have you set a manuscript completion deadline?

8 Have you sourced an editor and an editing deadline?

9 Have you written your book title and subtitle?

10 Have you split your core topic into 5-13 sub-topics?

11 Have you bullet pointed each sub-topic?

12 Have you fleshed out your sub-topics into chapters?

13 Have you written your book as if speaking to one person?

14 Have you included examples, case studies and testimonials?

15 Have you included next steps in your book (to fulfil your goal)?
When writing your book, don’t worry about layout, grammar or formatting
– that’s the editor’s job and that comes AFTER the manuscript is done.




The Productive Writer's Checklists

I'm using these lists myself and they're absolutely chock-a-block with valuable information. Enjoy!