The Writer’s Pen

Join The 10-Day Blogging Challenge & Become a Better Blogger!

If you’ve always wanted to start a blog but didn’t know where to begin, this is the challenge for you.

Only €10.

We will blоg wіth Purpose. Whеthеr уоu wаnt tо fіnd your writing vоісе, mаkе mоnеу online, оr simply for the fun of it, уоu’rе gоіng to fіt rіght in on this Challenge.

You may have a blog already. You may have written articles, maybe even got some comments, but then you ran out of steam or life got in the way. You might even have a series of blogs that you’ve started, new idea after new idea, but still, you ran out of steam.

I know what this is like because I used to do it.

But recently, I got serious about blogging and my life has changed because of it. I’m writing with greater clarity, and understanding what I want out of life, and changing some people’s lives in the process. I want the same thing for you.

This challenge is designed for ANYONE, no matter what business you’re in, or what stage you’re at with it. 

Blogging is not just for “mommy bloggers”.  People often get tripped up about blogging, though, and make it so much harder than it needs to be.

In this challenge, my main objective is to get you into the HABIT of blogging. When you do that it will just feel natural to you.

The secondary objective is to work on building relationships because when people read your blog regularly, they’ll feel like they know you. 

Only €10.

About Me

Writer, proofreader, editor, Indie-publisher, techie, world-traveller and maid to my dog Barney.

I love sharing what I know with other people and turns out I’m not too bad at it. Join me to learn and have a few laughs along the way. 

News & Resources

Gather Pinterest Followers in 5 Easy Steps

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How to Schedule your Pins on Pinterest with Tailwind

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